George A. Gutierrez, DDS, PA

Pediatric Dentist

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry refers to the use of sedation during dental treatment. Sedation is most commonly used during extensive procedures, for patients with dental phobia or for patients who find it difficult to sit still. Our office offers nitrous oxide and oral conscious sedation.


Sedation can range from the use of nitrous oxide to calm a patient to general anesthetics used to put patients to sleep. Patients with dental phobia, low pain tolerance, major dental treatment, physical handicaps or strong gag reflexes may require sedation. Procedures like fillings, crowns, and extractions often require sedation.


Sedation is endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and is an effective way to make many patients comfortable during their dental visit. Before using a sedative or anesthetic, it is important to tell Dr. Gutierrez about any medications or medical treatments your child is receiving. Before administering any sedative or anesthetic, we will talk to you about the process of sedation and pre- and post-sedation instructions.


“Laughing Gas”

Nitrous oxide, more commonly known as laughing gas, is often used during a dental visit. The gas is administered with a mixture of oxygen and has a calming effect that helps phobic or anxious patients relax during their dental treatment. Because it is a mild sedative, patients are still conscious and can talk to their pediatric dentist during their visit. The effects wear off almost immediately. Nitrous oxide rarely has side effects, although some patients may experience minor nausea and constipation. Our team will provide you with pre- and post-sedation instructions.


Conscious sedation is an option for children aged 3 and older. This method may be indicated for children who have a high level of anxiety, those who are young and do not understand how to cope in a cooperative way, or those requiring extensive dental treatment. This effective method can be administered in oral form. Sedation dentistry is not intended to make a patient unconscious or unresponsive. It is used for a child's safety and comfort during dental procedures.

Making Children's Dentistry Fun!


George A. Gutierrez, DDS, PA

Pediatric Dentist